Wuala Web Downloads
Wow, now that’s quite an update. Now you can download public files as well as password-protected files from the web. Share all your stuff with friends around the world in a safe, quick way. Great stuff that makes Wuala even better 🙂 .
Of course, that means you can download the API wrapper straight from the web as well and don’t have to mangle around with subversion anymore 😉 .
Using the Wuala API .net wrapper for quick in-folder search
An interesting question that came up to me was how to implement a quick, efficient in-folder search engine with the .net wrapper. Of course, by it’s nature this isn’t a given feature and because you’d have to enumerate through all the subfolders.
But the question tips of another aspect: LINQ in combination with the wrapper.
As the entire assembly is written with extendability in mind, let me say: Yes, you can easily use LINQ with the wrapper:
var allfiles = WualaFile.GetFileList(
"//wuala.com/Creative+Commons/Chaos+Computer+Club/Chaosradio+Express", true, false);
var files = allfiles.Items
.Where(f => f.Name.Contains("09"))
.OrderBy(f => f.Url);
foreach(var file in files)
Console.WriteLine(""{0}"", file.Name);
If you want to build an in-folder search that also cares about subfolders though, recursively get the files from the folders, add them to a global index, run LINQ queries over it and export the Url of the result files back in. Easy as that.
Fixing mouse issues with VirtualPC -> VMware images
Microsoft often delivers free-to-test disk images of their products (like, for instance, the new Visual Studio 2010 CTP). These images are – who would have expected that? – in Microsoft’s own VirtualPC format. Luckily, the specs for the disk format are available and you can use the VMware Converter to just convert it into a vmdk (or use it directly, which I can’t really recommend).
Upon installing the VMware Tools, though, you’ll notice that the mouse gets stuck in the lower right corner of the screen if you didn’t remove the VirtualPC tools beforehand. Quite annoying, isn’t it? This comment describes how to solve the problem:
- Fire up regedit, navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetContro lClass.
- Within the keys under Class look for a value named UpperFilters, containing the value “msvmmouf”.
- Remove “msvmmouf” from the value and reboot your VM.
Visual Studio 2008 Essentials
Despite all my bickering, Visual Studio 2008 is great. It was well worth the money to upgrade.
There are a few things missing from the Professional version, though. The lack of a powerful profiler for everyone still makes me shake my head but I’m using Red Gate’s ANTS profiler anyway, so who cares.
Let’s talk about some updates, add-ins and extras you should definetively try…
- Visual Studio 2008 and .NET 3.5 Service Pack 1
This service pack adds a plethora of new features, enhancements and bug fixes and should be installed right away. Data scaffolding, new WinForms controls, an entire new data modelling framework, countless WPF enhancements… you name it, it’s probably in the SP already. - PowerCommands for Visual Studio 2008
This package contains numerous nifty functions that’ll improve your sourcecode and workflow. Remove unnecessary usings, open command prompts on the fly, way better undo… just read about the features on the homepage and try it, you won’t regret it. - AnkhSVN
I don’t like SourceSafe. For it’s requirements it gives back very little. In comparison Subversion performs great: You don’t need a server or anything, just create a repository on your local disk, check in your files and start branching, merging and keeping book of your changes. And best of it all: It’s free. Now, that’s where AnkhSVN comes into play – it adds TortoiseSVN’s power into Visual Studio. Don’t know how I worked without this.
So, what’s missing on this list? Let me know 🙂 .
I think I just spent more time in Windows than the last 2 years together. GTA IV is fun, easy as that.
I don’t know why people keep nagging at the game, it’s great and just what I’d expect of a new title of the franchise.
The only thing I can really get mad about are the horrible DRM-esque copy protection, the need to register at least 2 accounts (1x Rockstar Social, 1x Windows Live) and the massive memory leak that brings down the performance after a few hours of play.
So, come on Rockstar… Instead of spending thousands and thousands of dollars to keep the game copy-protected, spend a few thousands on debugging the PC version – for Pete’s sake. It really isn’t funny and the fact that the game doesn’t even start with ATi graphic cards is… ok, that’s to be expected 😉 .
Public SVN access is back
Okay, I admit… it’s not quite “back” but more like “resurrected”.
I re-setup the entire server and suddenly it works again. Currently there’s not much for guest users to checkout, though. The Wuala API Wrapper sourcecode can be obtained from there, since I won’t post the entire code for every little stable — I guess that’s interesting for some people. Address for checkout: //svn.tsukasa.eu:8443/svn/<repository>
The server’s now running with VisualSVN, routed through tsukasa.eu’s main Apache. It works reasonably well and the admin console is quite slick.
As you can see, WebSVN has been updated to the newest version, OHAB and other old projects have been removed from SVN.
Also new: Automated build/unit tests through CruiseControl .NET. Not that I’d ever commit non-working code 😉
Wildcard Subdomains with Apache
To add a wildcard domain (i.e. *.subdomain.mydomain.domain) all you really need to do is set up a new vhost in the Apache config and use the matching ServerName and ServerAlias:
ServerName subdomain.mydomain.domain
ServerAlias *.subdomain.mydomain.domain
That’s it, you can easily utilize and parse all subdomains below subdomain.mydomain.domain now.
Stopping Sweetcron from breaking with too long posts
Okay, now this is really really bad, starting with MySQL 5 there is a strict mode. What does that mean? The strict mode will not silently swallow all your data and just cut off what’s left but throw an exception back at you when you try to insert more data than the field type allows.
Sweetcron is really vulnerable for this kind of problem. It always stopped fetching the feeds to complain about a single post. Now, while fixing the problem on the software side would be preferrable I opted for a simple configuration change on the server side this time.
All you really need to do is altering the my.ini line that activates the strict mode:
will either become
Simply restart the MySQL service afterwards and sweetcron should eat the posts without complaining (I don’t even want to think about the loss of data here, but who cares?).
WordPress 2.7
Gee, there I am, not updating my installation for ages and now I’m wandering the path of nightly-builds again.
WordPress 2.7 is amazing. The new interface not only looks great but also offers a lot: You can collapse your toolbar to save space, the auto-updater has been improved and now supports updating WordPress’ core as well.
Quite slick, can’t wait for the final 🙂 .
How to deactivate (revoke) Far Cry 2
Far Cry 2 comes with a nasty copy protection. Actually, it’s more like a strict DRM variant that needs to be activated online and can only be used X times when not properly deactivating it.
You can manually revoke an activation without uninstalling the game by simply calling:
FarCry2.exe /revoke
Easy, huh? I’d prefer Ubisoft to not use any of these bugger DRM crap at all, but then again we all know the story of software piracy (note: pirates probably have a better version without this crap, so this whole thing is totally beyond the point anyway!).
Daylight Savings Time
“It’s officially autumn/winter now”, Tsukasa said and sighed.
There’s a new header reflecting the change of seasons, for those who are blind or just subscribed to the feed. Personally I think it’s a warm and calming picture (and I’m not saying this because of the panty-get in this picture!), but as usual people will disagree. At least the Apple crowd will.
Wrapper Release
Gee. I didn’t get around to post this but the stable wrapper v. has been released onto Wuala.
Changes include the latest adjustments to the API (doesn’t include the changes to the thumbnail method, as this came later) and a little cleanup/documentation in the sourcecode itself.
I think it’s a nice, easy-going wrapper to work with that doesn’t make a big deal out of every little event (as a matter of fact, it doesn’t throw any exceptions whatsoever $me thinks).
Since there isn’t much demand for fast-paced development and I’m kind of absorbed into FarCry 2 at the moment, I probably won’t bother working on the Wuala Browser Sample (the application that should succeed ToyBox at one point) for a while — that doesn’t mean I won’t play around with it, though.
Wrapper for Wuala’s API
As many Wuala users have probably noticed, there is an official group for the upcoming Wuala API available. Yes, the documentation for the alpha API is out and I’ve been busy implementing the specs into an easy-to-use .net assembly for the last two days.
Basically I’ve all the calls plugged in and wired together, all that’s left before a first public test version (watch the group, people!) is to clean up some ugly sections and start basic documentation on how to work with the calls and classes, although the included ToyBox application should show this.
So, when will there be a public download and will the sourcecode for the assembly be freely available? A first public version is to be expected to hit the Wuala API group in the middle of the week, I’d prefer to release earlier but I want to make sure I have a somewhat solid base for further improvements. The sourcecode will be made available later on, the people from Caleido’s staff already do have access to it though.
A basic set of features:
- Complete implementation of the current Wuala API.
- Uses basic datatypes and generics only
- Full proxy support
- Many function overloads (yet more to come!)
Some things that won’t make the cut for the first test version:
- Better integration/naming of the properties to be more .net like
- A somewhat more dynamic way of implementing certain calls
I hope that this work will encourage people to play and experiment more with Wuala and it’s capabilities, even though the current API is somewhat limited.
Update: I released a binary version of the DLL as well as the sourcecode for ToyBox into the Wuala API group. Feel free to test it and give me your feedback either directly via the group or by comment 🙂 .