There are two things you cannot ever have enough of: Good text editors and good file managers.
One of the arguably best commercial console-based editors for Windows with a history going back all the way to the 1980s is now available for free: The SemWare Editor.
If you have never heard or tried TSE Pro, imagine a mix between the simple and intuitive CUI of a EDIT.COM with the rich feature set of a VI, allowing you to extend and alter how the editor works by adding or modifying the included macros. The editor comes in two flavours: A true console application and a Windows-only pseudo console that has a few more bells and whistles. Of course, the purebred console version works great via SSH/telnet.
Now is a great time to give TSE a try, as the following announcement came on the mailing list:
Yes, this and future versions will be free.
Sammy Mitchell
The good Lord Willing, (ref: James 4:13-15),
I plan to continue working on TSE.
I cannot praise the editor enough and will vouch that it is worth every penny of its previous license cost.
You can grab the setup on Carlo’s TSE page.