Quick hint: Use SharpDevelop more often

There are quite a number of things that were stripped from Microsoft’s proud Visual Studio Express series. One of them being the resource editor in C++, another one being a buttload of templates for your project type. Like… let’s say… Windows service.

Now, while I dug myself through the documentation on how to write a service the more obvious and easier solution was ignored: Use SharpDevelop. It comes with a lot of handy templates… like Windows service. It can do a lot more though; the new beta version features support for XAML, respectively WPF, which is quite a nice addition.

So, best thing to do (if you don’t want to skim out the money for the full version of Visual Studio) is to use both IDEs side by side.

Wine to go 1.0 soon

Now that is news, my fellow subjects!

Wine, the not-so-much-an-emulator program that bridges the gap between Linux and Windows, is about to hit One-point-O in a not so distant future. It took 15 years to get to this point and Wine is an absolutely remarkable piece of software. There are some interesting ideas floating out there as well, so I’m absolutely never going to get tired of watching it evolve.

Anyway, Wine 1.0… what can I say? I’d love Wine to be less Johnny-on-the-spot and a little bit more reliable sometimes. But then again, I’m primarily using it to run games like Team Fortress 2, so I’m in no position to complain about freezes. Wine works for just about everything by now and I’m eagerly looking forward to your 1.0 tarball 🙂 .

WINE Nitty Gritty

Normalerweise führt der Einsatz eines Joypads bei GTA: San Andreas unter Wine dazu, dass CJ unentwegt vorwärts läuft. Das ist recht nervig und ein Fehler, der auch in anderen Spielen auftritt.

Im Bugtracker steht jetzt die Lösung: Einfach per chmod Lesezugriff auf /dev/input/event* geben. Funktioniert hervorragend 🙂 .

Ebenfalls im Bugtracker findet man Hinweise darauf, dass an einer etwas besseren Kompatibilität zu nProtect gearbeitet wird. Hervorragende Neuigkeiten für jeden Onlinespieler 🙂 .