This holiday was all about window management and AutoHotkey for me. Despite the name sounding a lot like AutoIt and being based off of it, AHK is a pretty different beast.
Today’s small hack session is all about centering the active window on the screen the window is on. For that to work, we first have to determine the window’s position and width, then calculate the window X and Y center point, then loop through the displays to get their work area properties and determine which of the displays the window is most likely on.
After that we can calculate the new X and Y positions based on the window dimensions and the determined display work area.
activeWindow := WinExist("A")
if !activeWindow
; Retrieve the active window's current position and size
WinGetPos(&winX, &winY, &winWidth, &winHeight, activeWindow)
; Calculate the center of the window
windowCenterX := Round(winX + winWidth / 2, 0)
windowCenterY := Round(winY + winHeight / 2, 0)
; Get number of monitors - but only ones used for the desktop!
monitorCount := SysGet(80)
; Set initial value to check if we found the monitor the window is on...
monitorIndex := -1
; Loop through each monitor to find which one the window is on...
; Do this by checking on which monitor the center of the window is, otherwise we get false positives.
Loop monitorCount {
MonitorGetWorkArea(A_Index, &workAreaX, &workAreaY, &workAreaWidth, &workAreaHeight)
if (windowCenterX >= workAreaX and windowCenterX <= workAreaWidth
windowCenterY >= workAreaY and windowCenterY <= workAreaHeight)
monitorIndex := A_Index
; If still initial value, exit...
if monitorIndex = -1
; Get the dimensions of the determined monitor's work area
MonitorGetWorkArea(monitorIndex, &workAreaX, &workAreaY, &workAreaWidth, &workAreaHeight)
; Calculate new position to center the window
newX := Round(workAreaX + ((workAreaWidth - workAreaX) - winWidth) / 2, 0)
newY := Round(workAreaY + ((workAreaHeight - workAreaY) - winHeight) / 2, 0)
; Move the window to the new position
WinMove(newX, newY, , , activeWindow)
This works nicely on multi-monitor setups.