You know, by now I’m a little reluctant to upgrade my OpenSolaris installation. b116 didn’t boot, b117 crashed all the time… really not a good omen, so I was stuck with b111 which has it’s own share of problems. But 122 seems to work rock-solid and for the 2 weeks I have it up and running from the dev repositories it didn’t give me any tears, crashes or drama of any sort.
All bugs that plagued me before have been fixed: The CIFS server is running fine, multiple VirtualBox machines do not bring down the system anymore, the NICs stay up and there’s no more boot issue. I’ll probably wait a few more weeks before upgrading my pools, though. You know, I trust you, SUN… but I have learned from past mistakes 🙂 .
On a exactly as bright note: Haiku has it’s first Alpha out in the wild. While the system apparently doesn’t like to be booted from a USB thumbdrive + GRUB2 right out of the ISO, it works great when actually burning the ISO to CD-ROM. The USB stack works great, networking is a joy; the Alpha recognized nearly all devices of my Vostro 1500 laptop, only the touchpad didn’t want to work (USB mouse solved that), the webcam was identified but when trying to connect it through Cortex the output module went a little haywire. Sound, graphics adapter (+ resolution), NIC – all in working order.

This is just great, awesome work! I’m still waiting for the day when BeOS makes it’s comeback onto my desktop 🙂 .